Less is More

Three years, 19 places
Four homes, five jobs
Three injuries, nine societies
24 exams, 100+ applications
One pandemic, one degree
Countless dreams
A world in which busy is a badge of honour
Where it is possible to live a life
In perfect balance
A world in which material is all-captivating
Where status symbols are fought for
A world in which one can achieve everything
Where mistakes will not be repeated
But the reality is
There is no such thing as perfect balance
Only carefully considered sacrifice
There is not enough time to make time
For everything that truly matters
There is a certain quality of every human:
That we are not perfect
The reality is that
Less is often more
That doubling down
Shutting down extra projects
Committing to only a few things
Can push you to what you thought was not possible
It’s easy to think that the answer
Is to fit as much as you can
Into this one
But take it from me
That is not necessarily true
Because you end up coming back to where you started
Realising that what you were looking for
Was there all along